CTAIMA as a solution for the Steel & Metal sector
Using risk management as a competitive advantage in the steel and metal industry
Find out how CTAIMA helps overcome challenges of the steel and metal sector
Maintain a safe working environment, look after the health of your workers and ensure you are up to date with legal compliances
Certify your company to ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 standards
Check your contractors and subcontractors quickly and efficiently, don't leave anything unchecked, don't take unnecessary risks
Leading companies in the steel and metal sector trust in CTAIMA
Simplify legal compliance by ensuring the health and safety of your workers, controlling all environmental aspects of projects
CTAIMA helps you to monitor compliance with safety standards in the steel sector steel and metal thanks to the registration of observations and safety inspections, creating a safety culture.
Optimise organisational productivity and drive it towards continuous improvement by easily integrating the most sustainable practices
With a configurable pre-qualification process tailored to your criteria and needs, to ensure excellent working practices are carried out by your suppliers and contractors.
Don't take any more risks. Control any harmful impact on the environment, people and society
Inform your employees, workers and suppliers how to safely manage waste from the extraction process and hazardous substances, how to respond to a chemical emergency and how to safely perform critical operations.
Get the most out of your health and safety, sustainability and legal compliance initiatives
We save companies time and money by digitising their OHS processes, thanks to our solutions and ease of use anywhere, anytime.
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CTAIMA ist ein führendes Unternehmen für Technologie und spezialisierte Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Auftragsmanagement, Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz, ESG und Compliance. CTAIMA koordiniert eines der größten globalen Netzwerke von Auftragnehmern und Lieferanten und verbindet über 100.000 Auftragnehmer und Subunternehmer mit mehr als 1.000 Kunden weltweit.